
Adam Nolly Getgood: Daemoness Cimmerian 7 stock build guitar "WORLD EDGE STORM" Mint

Leonardo Guzman: why you need to listen to his new album Now!

PJ d'Atri: J S Bach - BWV 947 - you want Bach... we got it!

Marc Playle: Boldon, Tyne & Wear - Stolen Gear!! PLEASE HELP!!

Andy James: Official - t-shirts available

Nico Schliemann: The Trio live 2014

Paul Gilbert: guitar clinic tour of Brazil happens this April

Darren Housholder: Freedom Studio 3 years ago Filmed by Thomas LeBlanc series

Miky Bianco: Grey Fly In A Green Dream

Richie Kotzen: Faith So Cold CD Release Party Paladino's - 2011

Thomas Lang: Beat It Poland - StOrk - "Chainsaw Serenade" and "Bat" - brilliant drum performances

Tom Quayle: Guitar Retreat Spain this July - it could be you

Jakub Żytecki: Ernie Ball / Music Man NAMM 2014