
Roman Nochevnyy: Between Two Realities - classy rock fusion

Andrew Riezebeek: Modern Electronic Cinematic guitar

Maneli Jamal, Damir Puh,Timo Somers: amongst the 2014 Six String Theory Competition Semi-Finalists announced today

Truth In Shredding: 200 posts... check out the last one.

Marty Friedman: Inferno - new guitar competition coming soon

Michael Angelo Batio,Tibi Galea, Corrado Sgandurra: Strings of Fire - the making of series filled with incendiary licks

Joe Chawki: Forever Infinite - ripping it up

Simone Dow,Scott Kay: Voyager - Hyperventilating - track from upcoming album - brilliant, get this album!

Jack Gardiner: Gospel Style Guitar Improvisation - in the groove

Chris Gordon: Outside Groove #12 and Shreddy Warmup