
Samantha Fish: Wild Heart CD - pre order

Jason Sadites: ngwie inspired diminished craziness

Tom Quayle: updated the gear section of the web site!

Per Nilsson: Preparatory Dorian Noodlings

Snowy White: ‘new’ Gibson Les Paul Goldtop - tribute to Thin Lizzy

Panos Arvanitis: Zakk meet Yngwie Gibson Les Paul '59 Handmade by John Drimaropoulos

Tom Quayle, Dan Smith: The Guitar Hour - 30/5/15

Marc Guillermont: a new track posted on soundcloud - great tones

James Nobert Ivinayi, Bruno Monello, Jack Gardiner, Fabian Ratsak, Luca Mantovanelli: International guitar jam

Guthrie Govan, Bryan Beller, Marco Minnemann: The Aristocrats - "Tres Caballeros" - Full Album Preview Montage

Dan Arcamone: with some impressive live fusion

Niko Tsonev: Rhythmic Displacements.

Matt Schofield, Greg Koch: Jamming - contemporary blues