
Jen Majura: plays... Blues for FK Mattias IA Eklundh

Russ Parrish: Satchel rig run down... IMHO Rebecca Dirks does the best rig run down, you decide?

Morgan Reid: Movement Speaks Musical Snippet

Wim Roelants: Guitars United 2015. Germany and Workshop guitarist 2011

Atanas Shishkov: Plays some Funk Rock in the Funk Fusion Jam

John Huldt: brutal Duskfall guest solo

Rick Graham: Left Hand Only Legato Line

Arvin Raviyan: Emotional In-Waste-Ment - exercise in tasteful soloing

Tosin Abasi: Liuteria GNG Brea Dr. Viossy signature Absynth Amaranth - nearing 250,000 views

Scott Mishoe: Extreme Slap - Skype lesson available - just insane!