
Andre Nieri: Soloing over Mae D'Agua (Kiko Loureiro)

Frank Gambale: SAT 3 German TV 1992

Carol Silcs: Mike Stern - Chromazone

Fabian Ratsak: working on a lot more original material - enjoy!

Lari Basílio: Workshop and Tour in Brazil 2017

Bryan Baker: Sometimes the Wolf - Fourteen Studies for Solo Guitar

Greg Howe: new album Wheelhouse coming soon and August tour dates

Hedras Ramos: Pre-Order Now my new album "The Impressionist" featuring Plini, Martin Miller, Anton Davidyants

Jen Majura: Crowdfunding Jen InZENity

Mistheria: GEMINI new album featuring Roger Staffelbach, Leonardo Porcheddu, Ivan Mihaljevic, Roy Z, Chris Caffery