
Massimo Varini: jam on Ballata 80 bpm - super tasty

Tony Camponovo: Wide Intervals + Augmented Nightmare + tune Malibu Creek

Florent Atem: Slide Picking Lick #4 (English)

Matteo Mancuso: Blues Shuffle in G + Funnels

Michael Hermes, Wes Thrailkill, Connor Kaminski, Joe Gamble: Solo Collaboration #6

Kieran Johnston: Scit Scat Wah - Racer X Intro with my Jackson SL2M

George Constantine Kratsas: MXR EVH 5150 Overdrive and Two Notes Torpedo

Narumi, Yoshi: Aldious in USA ~NAMM Show 2020

Lucas de la Rosa, Sithu Aye: Sky (ft Sithu Aye)

Carl Mörner Ringström: Imagine If Gravity Gave Up Its Responsibilities Live

Andy James, Marco Sfogli, Justin Derrico, Al Joseph, Igor Paspalj: Shred Collab!

Andy Wood: The Melodic Power of Thirds.