An interview with Stef Burns on guitar9
Stef has just finished a tour of Italy and has a new web site see design above.
You can now buy Bay Shore Road from guitar9.
Stef has releases a new CD on Favored Nations . The CD includes Peppino D’Agostino & Stef Burns and is called Bayshore Road. You can also listen to a track "Bay Shore Road"
Stef Burns was born in Oakland, California. He began playing at the age of 6 using his dads guitar. By the age of 9 he had his first band. After several covers bands he got the call to play with Pablo Cruise, Sheila E including co-writing credits. He went on to play with Berlin, Michael Bolton, Y&T recording four albums. He also got to play with Alice Cooper on "Hey Stoopid" and appeared in "Waynes World"...excellent!
Stef has also had his own group called appropriatly enough: "Stef Burns Group" and they produced the "Swamp tea" CD which is well worth a listen.
Check out his web iste for a comprehensive bio or sample the sounds of the rather excellent swamp tea on Guitar9 or his own audio samples.
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