"Efrén Camilo, guitar player from Mexico got a spot in the Short List of the Six Strings Documentary by James Smith.
The film will show six stories of passion for playing guitar and make guitar music at any cost.
Here is his story entrance:
A little portion of my story: I always wanted to play guitar. At 15 I learned secretly by using my uncle's electric guitar. I broke it, repair it and lose it. So a friend sold me his guitar almost for free. Since I am left handed and had no money, I decided to build my own guitar. Another friend helped me with excitement, but he was murdered so he never saw it finished. Today when I play that guitar I know his soul is in every note. I work as graphic designer to have money to produce my guitar music.
To now more about Efrén's work please visit:
Romance (Guitar Idol 2009 Entry)
I am a freelance film director based in London, UK and am making a documentary film called SIX STRINGS about one of my passions: guitar music. My aim is to deliver a superb film and with the help of my team, market it worldwide.Some months ago, I launched a search to find passionate people who may have developed a unique playing style or have an incredible story to tell about guitar music: how it transformed or changed their lives and about the mystique and influence of the instrument, the more extraordinary, heart rending, or radical, the better! Nearly 100 guitarists entered their amazing stories from around the globe.A SHORT LIST of 18 guitarists has been selected. Once our goal of $40,000 production funding is achieved, we will select the six and go into production!Now WE NEED YOUR HELP to help spread the word and raise funds to produce this film! Furthermore, due to the amazing response and wealth of talent out there, we are looking to make follow-on films depending on the success of the first!READ MORE about Six Strings Film!Thank you for supporting Six Strings! James Smith, Director and Writer
This is the current short list:
Lily Afshar
Desiree Bassett
Kurt Briceño
Diego Budicin
Sergio Buss
Efrén Camilo
Jason Carter
Chet Chandler
Carlé Costa
Perfecto De Castro
Eric Henderson
Yorgos Kertsopoulos
Dimitris Kotronakis
Jeremiah Maxey
Marc Playle
Robin Stone
Alfredo Velasco
Sabrina Vlaskalic
You are an incredible artist! Good luck my friend!
ReplyDeleteThe Fre@kgirl