
Alberto Barsi: The Pretender - super hot soloing

Alberto Barsi: Slapping riffage

Alessandro Zilio, Samuele Perduca, Camilla Sperati, Noemi Terrasi, Alberto Barsi: Made in Italy Guitar Jam

Wes Thrailkill, Alberto Barsi, Adam Rafowitz, Liam McLaughlin: 21 soloists devastate Paracusia - state of the art

Phoenix Van Der Weiden, Alberto Barsi, Israel Romero: The Noiz Jam - Global Solo Collaboration (17 Musicians)

Alberto Barsi: Jacob Collier - Alberto Barsi solo

Alberto Barsi: Djent Guitar Solo

Alberto Barsi: JTC Jam of the Month December 2020 + Classical\Rock Medley

Alberto Barsi: Jessie J | Bang Bang

Alberto Barsi: Legator N7XFR Amethyst

Alberto Barsi: Try This Outside Fusion Lick! | Lick of The Week Ep.8

Alberto Barsi: ROCK Guitar Solo

Alberto Barsi: Jamming on OVERFLOW - Kiko Loureiro

Alberto Barsi: Dr Shred Contest - on fire

Alberto Barsi: Insomnia 2.0 - A Matter of Priority - EMG 57\66 Lead Demo

Alberto Barsi: Connor Kaminski Solo Contest 2020

Alberto Barsi: JTC Jam of the Month July 2020

Alberto Barsi: This Lick Will Level up Your Tapping! |

Alberto Barsi: Kadinja Solo Contest 2020 - incendiary licks

Alberto Barsi, Luis Kalil: Yukimura - A Matter of Priority incoming