
Josh Kay: The Vast Enigma (Alizarin) - Solo 1 Playthrough

Josh Kay: Solo from Alizarin Debut Album Teaser #1

Josh Kay: Album #4 - Teaser Solo 1 and 2 - explosive metal soloing

Josh Kay: "Absence of Time" Outro - tasteful note control

Josh Kay: "Absence of Time" Melodic Tapping

Josh Kay: JTC Jam Of The Month April 2017

Josh Kay: picks up Swiss Picks endorsement

Josh Kay: "Quintessential Isolation" Tapping Sequence

Josh Kay: The Legato Gestapo from Absence of Time

Josh Kay: Absence of Time new album instrumental progressive shred from Portland

Josh Kay: Absence of Time - new album upcoming fall 2016

Josh Kay: Dark Matter - instrumental progressive rock from Portland