
Peter Koopman, Jake Howsam Lowe, Plini, James Muller: Honest Oblivion - Scoredatura -top draw instrumental progressive metal fusion

Plini: x #BedStockChallenge - Play a song from your bed for kids who can't get out of theirs

Ondrej Tvarozek, Plini: Lithium Dawn - Tearing Back the Veil II: Awakening

Plini: North American tour recap by Randy Edwards

Plini, Mike Dawes: "Heart" Performance at GW Studios

Hedras Ramos: Pre-Order Now my new album "The Impressionist" featuring Plini, Martin Miller, Anton Davidyants

Plini, David Maxim Micic, Jakub Żytecki,Jake Howsam Lowe: GuitarJam Glasgow - March 2017

Plini: Cascade - .strandberg* plus US tour dates

Plini, David Maxim Micic, Nick Johnston: North American Tour dates + masterclass tickets

Hedras Ramos, Plini, Martin Miller: New Pyramids - track from new album with Anup Sastry on Drums and Simon Grove on Bass.

Plini: full show Paris - Fufux

Plini: Handmade Cities - Europe tour interview with

Plini: An Interview in 'The guitarguitar Car'

Plini: Masterclass Tour with Strandberg Guitars

Arron Marshall, Plini:played a handful of demos at NAMM 2017

Plini: "CASCADE" in North America plus UK/Europe tour dates

Plini, Aaron Marshall: Live At The Dunlop Booth NAMM 2017

Aaron Marshall, Plini: collection of footage by Randy Edwards, taken across Europe and North America on tour

Aaron Marshall, Plini: set for the Dunlop booth NAMM 2017

Plini, Jakub Żytecki, David Maxim Micic: Plini, Disperse, Bilo Euro tour dates March 2017