
Alan Cheung, Anup Sastry : Betray the Truth

Anup Sastry, Maru Martinez: Doom Eternal - The Only Thing They Fear Is You

Anup Sastry, Jason Kui: The Creater/The Destroyer

Zac Tiessen, Nick Johnston, Jacob Umansky, Anup Sastry: Ghost Town

Hedras Ramos, Plini, Martin Miller: New Pyramids - track from new album with Anup Sastry on Drums and Simon Grove on Bass.

Anup Sastry: Bloom - the new EP - post-rock progressive metal

Eyal Levi: announces Portland, Ore. "Unstoppable Recording Machine" audio boot camp with Keith Merrow, Anup Sastry

Anup Sastry,Jakub Żytecki: Lion EP featuring Jakub's soloing.

Anup Sastry,Jeff Loomis: Loomis drummer programs guitars for new album