
Sergey Golovin: Music Man JPXI Shred Test

Sergey Golovin: Music Man Axis Weehbo Helldrive

Sergey Golovin: Out Takes (Lepsky S Model Anniversary)

Sergey Golovin: Lepsky S Model Anniversary - "bouncing bow" technique

Sergey Golovin: First experience with Green Screen / Chroma Key - needs a little work

Sergey Golovin: Music Man Axis - Fluid Punch - super cool jamming

Sergey Golovin: Warm-up - Warming up to record jtc licks

Sergey Golovin: "Russki Zima" - Russian Winter - tour 2015

Sergey Golovin: tour 2015 "Russki Zima"

Sergey Golovin: Lepsky Guitars - Live, Krasnodar

Sergey Golovin: Lepsky SGM6 - UAD Apollo Twin - Brainworx ENGL E646VS - another exciting progressive metal tune with state of the art guitar

Sergey Golovin: talks about his latest release Changes

Sergey Golovin: Changes 2014 - probably one of the most exciting progressive metal fusion release of 2014

Sergey Golovin: Changes - Fire in the Hole! New album incoming - Boom!

Sergey Golovin: Mayones Regius 8 V•F Multiscale - Play through

Sergey Golovin: Lepsky Custom SGM6 EMG 57/66 - Play through

Sergey Golovin: TubeTone and Kemper sound tests

Sergey Golovin: Positive Grid Acoustic Simulator

Sergey Golovin: Lepsky S Model - Positive Grid JamUp - best keeps getting better

Sergey Golovin: Lepsky S8 - EMG 57/66 - AXE FX II - Live