
Slimer: 11 year old Morley Power Wah Contest

Slimer: 11 year old 18 minute jam session!

Slimer, Parker: rock out 5th grade school talent show!

Slimer, Sloth Chubsteen: getting ready for talent show

Slimer, Sloth Chubsteen: Slimer And The Slobs jam time!

Sloth Chubsteen, Slimer: Christmas special - one year on!

Slimer: 10 year old ripping on Blue Bug competition!

Fletcher Barton: Shred Junior becomes a fan of Death by Glue Gun!

Slimer, Sloth Chubsteen: guitar fight club

Slimer: something special for Shred This III

Slimer,Paintballdude: Shadow Face the guitarist contest entry

Slimer: Truth in Shredding congratulates Slimer on one year of shredding dangerously!

Chunk, Sloth,Slimer: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III - III way jam

Slimer, Reb Beach: jamming with Reb Beach!

Slimer: goes all melodic for Mr Walliman

Slimer,Sloth Chubsteen: shut down by the cops!

Slimer: busking for Coachella 2010! ALERT Cool video

Slimer: Andy James shredding competition... watch out behind you!

Sloth Chubsteen, Slimer, DC: G3 time to jam

Sloth Chubsteen, Slimer: got da blues!