
Christophe Godin: jazz for the deaf cd

Jack Thammarat: robin williams guitars!

Daniele Gottardo: wins the Steve Vai guitar idol prize!

Steve Vai,Phil Hilborne: photos from the lims live show

News: shredding across the world III, it's like this blog got recorded!

Andy James: live all over the place!

John Eric Champion: back for more fusion jam

Charles Shaughnessy: chopstix jam session

Robben Ford: blau 1997

Patrick Rondat: ibanez live clinic!

Mateus Starling: improv lesson in portugese

Marius Pop: blues"berry"jazz jam

Rob Chappers: signature guitar announced, 500 guitars for monkey minions!!

Igor Paspalj: improvising!

Glenn Proudfoot: cool chord coverage

George Lynch:guitar clinic interview

Cesar Huesca: tribute to joe satriani

Paul Gilbert: seoul food

Paul Gilbert: amp settings

Lori Linstruth: guilt machine looking gorgeous

Jimmy Page: guitar hero's for numpties

Eddie Van Halen: guitar hero for christmas