
Rob Johnson: JINXED

Rob Johnson: Solo Jason Becker Hurricane Guitar

Rob Johnson: “Sangria Sunset “ killer licks Guitar Solo

Rob Johnson: Guitar Solo

Rob Johnson: solos and smoothness

Johnny Beane, Rob Johnson, David Nesdall: talk about EVH guitars - if you love EVH and guitars, you'll love this!

Marcos De Ros, Ron Thal, Rob Johnson: NAMM 1998

Rob Johnson: shred tactics II

Toby Knapp: to release cd on shred guy records

News: shredding across the world III looking good!

News: shredding across the world III, it's like this blog got recorded!

Ron Thal: namm 98

News: shredding across the world

Rob Johnson: shredguy records update

Rob Johnson: alternating current

Rob Johnson: shredworx available from guitar9

Rob Johnson: back in the saddle with the shredworx cd,

Rob Johnson: saddleback shark returns

Rob Johnson: shred tactition