
Angel Ruiz: jammin for the lord!

Derryl Gabel: MONSTER lydian flight demo

Buby Guerra: RIP god rest your soul

News: blues jam tracks summer sale... one week left

Francesco Congia: shred this and then some!

Russ Parrish: eyes of the panther

Marcel Jacob: jeff scott soto tribute

COMPETITION: Shred this- holiday update

Vincenzo Grieco: funk it up on a fender hm strat

Derryl Gabel: creative tapping techniques DVD available!

Vincenzo Grieco: epiphone les paul

Guthrie Govan: new blues solos

Billy Sheehan: imt clinic 2!

Andy Wood: shred fusion fans delight!

Billy Sheehan: imt clinic!

Daniele Gottardo: first cd to be released!