
Paul Gilbert, Billy Sheehan: Mr Big UK tour dates

News: Sicily Guitar day!

Mattias IA Eklundh,Guglielmo Malusardi: The Shred Baron gets a name check

Derryl Gabel, Dweezil Zappa: Derryl gets a call from Dweezil!

Richard Hinks: new web site

Stefano Rossi: Gottardo Guitar Competition - Crazy Hat soloing!

Toshi jmr: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Toshi jmr: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Simone Filippini: Daniele Gottardo's guitar competition

Saverio Pietropaolo: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition - crazy two handed tour de force

Dario Calamai: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition - great keyboard solo!

Aledes: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Chris Bieniek: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Marco De Cave: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Dzmitry Kasyanenka: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

James Buckley: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Emiliano Santoro: Daniele Gottardo's contest

Ian Bemolator: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Andrew E Nikk: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Jiri Novotny: Daniele Gottardo Competition

James Bell: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

Ally Salem: Daniele Gottardo Guitar Competition

Goriku Mamoru: MI japan guitar lesson

Rick Renstrom, Mistheria: Atma Anur Holmes and Slice