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Mattias IA Eklundh,Guglielmo Malusardi: The Shred Baron gets a name check
My good friend Guglielmo Malusardi had showed up from Italy to introduce me and Tony’s band. He is a true gem and always a real treat to hang out with. Thank you for coming and for taking part in the Night of the Guitar happening.
I am not a jamming kind of guy. It took me many years to come to this conclusion. If jams were interesting and everyone were listening to one another I would have loved it. Usually it is a mere showing off event where the players simply try to outdo each other. Nothing interests me more than making music on the spot but so often when invited to jam it is full blast from start to finish (in one key or a blues run at best) leaving no room for dynamics or interesting harmony. more IA goings on
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