
Chris Feener, Travis Montgomery: Threat Signal new CD release date announced

Richie Kotzen: 24 Hours new CD release details

John 5: sixth new CD on the way

André Niéri: Palmer Junction Guitar Contest

Dave Martone, Kim Mitchell: now that's Canuck guitar fire power right there

News: Gibson responds to Fed Raid!

Lorenzo Venza: improvisation over Greg Howe's sunny

Rob Chappers: Featuring the ESP LTD Gus-200 - super saver!

Adam Ironside: Palmer Junction Contest

Albert Lee,John Jorgenson: Iridium 2011

Thiago Wesley: Palmer Junction Guitar Contest

Adam Ironside: Cosmology - Suhr gets a run out

Steve Stevens: Iridium 2011

Ed DeGenaro: Spud U Like

Łukasz Kulczak: Sweep picking and Tapping Guitar Lesson

News: Guitar Battle in Brazil

Chris Brooks: your chance to interview a genuine guitar monster!

Dhalif: Dream Theater - Another Day - reinterpretted

Geoff Tyson: new CD Stary Pes available

Guthrie Govan: Guitar Euroshop interview

Dave Martone,Glen Drover: live at metal works webcast announced!

Paolo Sereno: Percussive Darbouka Style Acoustic guitar

Bill Ruppert: EHX Effectology #23 "The Ravish Sitar"

Alex Berserker: S-B Noise debut EP announced