
Nita Strauss, Courtney Cox: Femme Fatale - Falling In and Out Of love - Rock Cruise 2013

Billy Sheehan: reveals the techniques in true masters DVD

Rusty Cooley: new Rusty Cooley interactive video course!

Angel Vivaldi: Away With Words indiegogo fund raiser and sample frm new album

Guthrie Govan, Bryan Beller, Marco Minnemann: Culture Clash super bonus package pre order now available

Bryan Aspey: classical violin study expertly executed Electric Guitar - this guy rules!

Andee Blacksugar: Sheer Velocity - Occult Jazz - new new album of terrifying licks

Yeon Jung Nho: talks to Shreddelicious about her guitar playing

Christie Lenée: announces new set of tour dates!

Stu Hamm: Recording Bass with Stu Hamm: