
Rick Graham: Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson

Jack Gardiner: Periphery - Erised Solo - Metal Guitar God 2013 Contest

News: Truth In Shredding passes 5,000,000 - yes count them... page views!!!

Mattias IA Eklundh: Panzerballett - The IKEA Trauma

Philip Chevron: Pogues guitarist dead at 56 RIP

Dean Murphy: house break in causes massive set back to YouTube video production

Rick Graham: Eric Johnson tone quest - Cliffs of Dover

Jack Heath: Technical Difficulties -16 year old AIM student

Johnny Andrew: Swan Lake, Op20 / Act II - 18 guitar orchestra

Claudio Pietronik,Vanny Tonon, Davide Montorsi: the Italian invasion - funking up the fusion

Dhalif Ali: Aladdin Disney A Whole New World

Andrea Maccianti: At The Beginning - dedicated to Eleonora

Danilo Ciamprone: The Faceless - Accelerated Evolution Video Contest

Feodor Dosumov: Masterclass in slap guitar

Drewsif Stalin,Nikki Simmons: Wrecking Ball - killer version of Miley Cyrus track

Axel Weiss,Cheryl Pyle: A Pleasure - guitar and flute

Dallton Santos: Freak Guitar Finger Stretching

Jack Gardiner: Superstition Jam - ready for some Skype lessons?

Claudio Pietronik: guitar solo composed over Untouchable - Anathema

Ignazio Di Salvo: Freestyle shred - warming up

Yaakov Hoter: learn to play Gypsy Jazz like Django?

Dave Navarro: Jane's Addiction - Rockstar Uproar Festival - Chula Vista - Jack Lue Series

Rob Caggiano,Michael Poulsen: Volbeat - Monster Rock Allegiance Tour - The Hollywood Palladium - Jack Lue Series

Josh Pasley: Everyday Sidekicks - metalcore