
Luis Kalil: performs "Mr. Fire" live on EMGtv

Terry Bozzio: To Release "Composer Series" 4-CD/DVD

Tony MacAlpine: The Benefit For Tony - Only 4 Days Away... check out the auction items!

Guthrie Govan: Tres Caballeros Backings and latest Aristocrats tour dates

Prashant Aswani: Bogner Ecstasy Red is the red channel in a pedal

Keith Whalen: Practicing some Alkan very impressive picking excerpts

John Petrucci: Dream Theater - The Astonishing Box Bundle limited edition

Miguel Marquez: Camille Saint-Saens - Introduction and Rondo capriccioso

Steve Vai: shot 100% with GoPro preview

Viacheslav Kavlenas: Chocoslayc - Breathtaker - Change Of Loyalty from St. Petersburg

News: Michael Kelly Unveils CC50 Vintage Electric Guitar

News: PRS Guitars Releases Two New Acoustic SE Models: The SE A20E and the SE A30E

Paul Wardingham: Cyber Warfare Guitar Tab