
Lorenzo Venza: Schecter sunset Custom fusion and Mood Changes from Utopia guitar demo

Lorenzo Venza: Funky soloing - with Schecter Custom Shop , Sunset custom

Lorenzo Venza: Mezzabarba Zeta cab "night" test

Lorenzo Venza: Melodic solo Schecter sunset - Mzero overdrive - stunning rich tones

Lorenzo Venza: pop- Rock ballad solo - total shred guitar

Lorenzo Venza: Schecter sunset custom - super cool noodling

Lorenzo Venza: Sunset custom Schecter custom shop - new endorsement :)

Lorenzo Venza: Dark Wilson - original rock fusion tune

Matt Cafissi,Brett Stine, Lorenzo Venza, Andrea Maccianti : Flesh + Bone - new album packed with great new music

Lorenzo Venza: M Zero Overdrive demonstration

Lorenzo Venza: Old school boogie with new style hybrid and alternate picking

Lorenzo Venza: Spain Chick Corea - nice job on the classic track!

Lorenzo Venza: Rhumba blues - Robben Ford style

Lorenzo Venza: Scott Henderson - The Big Wave

Lorenzo Venza: Alex Argento - Synchronal Steps keyboard solo on guitar

Lorenzo Venza: Tribal Tech - The Big Wave

Lorenzo Venza: Tech 21 Fly Rig 5 sansamp video demo

Lorenzo Venza: Total Shred Guitar Series

Lorenzo Venza: So what - so what do you say?

Lorenzo Venza: Highway five - Jamtrackcentral