
John Norum, Kee Marcello: Europe's Exclusive Auction of 10 Special Edition Airbrushed Guitars Proceeds for charity in the Philippines

Bugra Sisman: Someday - new single available on bandcamp

Wagner Ribeiro: Waves of God - playthrough from upcoming album

Jack Gardiner: Periphery Erised Solo Breakdown - now with added transcription

The Commander-In-Chief: Secret recording/collaboration 2013

Jojo Alves: Sinner's Shuffle

News: Lullaby Versions of Marilyn Manson from Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star

Michael Lee Firkins: Live From Music City with Michael Lee Firkins - blog talk radio

Brian Larkin: Far Enough Into the Void - Teaser

Sergio Paganini: Delinear Album Teaser 2013

Jason Becker, Max Dible: Official Instructional Video Promo

Edward Box: we really need to educate people on how to consume music

Mattias IA Eklundh, Christophe Godin: Texan gets his brain fried at Freak Guitar Camp 2010

Paul Masvidal,Sean Reinert: Cynic - The Space for This Houston,Tx - IceWaterProductions.Net 3 cam promo

Ben Wilshire: Seafoam Green 62RI Strat - Stratonoodle soup with a side order of Ballad jam

Neil Mellor: Guitar Wizard - ripping it up Liverpool style

Nick Johnston: Fender Stratocaster + Friedman Cab = great music

Roberta Raschellà,Mio Jäger,Fiamma Cardani: Docker's Guild announce players for the new The Heisenberg Diaries - Book A

Alexander Davis: Synchronic Design - Allan Holdsworth Style Improv Jam - AXE FX II

Guthrie Govan: do not adjust your sets, normal service will be resumed shortly

Mika Tyyskä: Mr. Fastfinger - Only 2 weeks until Expressive Lead Guitar and two tickets left!

Marc Playle: Guthrie Govan The Persuader