
Ray Suhy, Alex Silvergold, Rolando Alvarado: Tessellations by Suhy, Silvergold, & Alvarado jazz-rock fusion from Red Bank

Jonathan Schnitzspan: Inspiring Nightmare by ForTiorI - progressive metal from Bitburg

Fabian Rauter, Marta Witiw: "Hold on Hope" - Marta with a special guest solo

Akira Takasaki: Loudness - The Sun Will Rise Again / In My Dreams Live 2015.

Rachel Flowers: on the Chapman Stick

Carl Mörner Ringström: Blink 182 "I Miss You" on 8 String

Joseph Yun: That Guitar Show - Talent Spotlight

Jan Laurenz: Good morning Yngwie Malmsteen

Dhalif Ali: For Shred Busters - Its all OVAHHH dis bruh

Grim Shit: Jamming over Rick Graham's backing track

Rick Graham: Bareknuckle Juggernaut Demo Backing Track

Mattias IA Eklundh: Caparison Guitars & Tunings. Part 5

Giulia Gualtieri: Always With Me, Always With You