
Andre Nieri: Suhr Standard Pro SSH Sound Demo - toneful of noodle

Eric Gales, Josh Smith: Jamming on the KTBA Cruise 2016

Ben Higgins: The Nameless - playthrough of new track available on bandcamp

Luke Fortini: Technical guitar solo - Sweep picking,two hand tapping,string skipping,legato,hybrid picking and circular picking

Lorenzo Venza: Schecter sunset Custom fusion and Mood Changes from Utopia guitar demo

Antonello Giliberto: Flying With The Dragon - technical, neoclassical metal

Marco Sfogli: Brother John - Beautiful and intimate song from the maestro Joe Satriani

Ozielzinho: Cry For You - live performance

Scott Mishoe: pop slapping at Alpha Music

Darren Housholder: Benefit for Willie Basse (Black Sheep)

Rob Marcello: Solo Of The Week #2 - Racer X - Sunlit Nights

Atanas Shishkov: Ibanez RG565CA - Funk Fusion - classic all over the neck two handed technique

Kelly Simonz: Magic Of Strings - classic ballad rock

Panos Arvanitis: Fast and furious Medley - some of my fast licks.

Jairo Camacho: Jamming with Steve Vai - ticked off the bucket list

t-cophony: Trip in spring - The 10th anniversary performance

Adrian Galysh, Carl Verheyen: Messin' With The Kid - Baked Potato in North Hollywood 2016

Millisa Henderson: Guthrie Govan's "Fives" - working on this one with my new PRS guitar

Naia Izumi, Taylor Mansfield, Kynwyn Sterling: Soft spoken woman - band taking shape and new EP on the way

Martin Goulding, Greg Howe: interview and Greg Howe Style Tapping Lick

Richard Daudé: Le Lead - Two Notes preamp - Shred-Fusion legato tapping improv

Jon Neto: #HufschmidGlowbuckers competition - ballad solo