
Rik Emmett: Interview - Triumph EveryoneLovesGuitar

Daisuke Kurosawa, Tamu Murata: Cytus II - Inspion Full Band Master / Inspion

Herman Li: Dragonforce - is Herman the missing member of Lovebites?

Simon Laulund: Weztern Crystalz - rock fusion hybrid performance with thumb picking

Daniel Weiss: 4 LICKS That'll Transform Your Guitar Technique

Jacky Vincent: The Streets Are My Racetrack | Playthrough

Alex Noh: Suhr Standard demo - 노경환

Ramon Gutierrez: Andromida - Fortitude - Guitar Playthrough

Min Kang: PRS McCarty 594 Model Demo - 'Fireplace' 강민

Yutaro Abe: ASTRAL WIND - Cycle Of Life / Infernal Will

Joe Pinnavaia: Mike Lull Custom Guitars SX Stratocaster - Fusion Guitar Solo

Ben Flanders: EDGES (preview) Candyrat Records

Marty Favento: "Reckless Driver" - Brand new tune with lots and lots of notes