Alex Noh: Suhr Standard demo - 노경환

The best movie star and guitarist in Korea, Roh Kyung-hwan, joined us in the video of Holly One Music Shop. You are the most popular guitarist who works as an endorser of many brands. In the video, many sponsored brands appear. Amp received a mesa boogie TC50 Head from the recording source with a Beyerdynamic M88TG, toned-making the Gurus Amps 1959 Double Decker and A3 stompbox Angel Drive pedals on a pedalboard custom made by the A3 stompbox and played the advance of Roh Kyung-hwan. Please share a lot and like it. There's an amazing movie star in the middle of the movie. Video by Binyoung Ryu Record & Mix Soulerpark Inperson studio Check out more gear infos at our Facebook. Feel free to email us if you have any enquiry.

Suhr Standard demo by Guitarist Alex Noh 노경환
