
Richard Daudé: Vigier Hybrid picking - Finger tapping - Thimble - Shred in melodic minor

Al Joseph: Line Integration Masterclass - favourite rhythmic concepts

Franck Hermanny: La Marseillaise - homage to the victims of the Paris tragedy

Marty Friedman: Interview - Behind the Scenes Warmup Jam with Troy Grady

Steve Stevens: demos the Helix Phaser for TC Electronics

Paul Gilbert: talks about great tone for TC Electronics

Marc Guillermont: with some guitar work for a rock tune

Victor Lafuente: Simplexcity from the album Inside with Laney Lionheart and Vigier Excalibur

Carl Mörner Ringström: "The Cause" Video Playthrough - plus nice nature footage :)

Tom Geldschläger: Fountainhead Q&A #1 Part 1 of 4