
Joe Pinnavaia: Minor Pentatonic Scales

News: Summer NAMM details

News: Dallas International Guitar Festival

Nicolas Waldo: Hufschmid Albinodroid Guitar competition - Take 2

Brian Auer: Neo Classical Shred lessons from highintel

Alberto Lima: Walk Zakky - left and right hand guitar player is back!!

Jason Becker,Marty Friedman: Japan 1989

Annie Grunwald: Formless's song "Horrid Obsession."

Hedras Ramos: Atoms and Space pre-order has some special goodies

Warleyson Almeida: Sunlight

Ben Flanders: blue noodles

News: Shred knowledge giveaway... so close they are almost in your hand!

Jamie Humphries: Alex Lifeson (Rush) Style Guitar

Nicolas Waldo: Hufschmid Albinodroid Guitar competition

News: Guitar Fight Club wants you!

Stephen Carpenter: Deftones shredder gets an Interview

JP Stratoblogster: JamMan gets the eagle eye and once over from the Stratoblogster

Dragianni, Muris Varajic, Damjan Pejcinoski: G3 Balkan style

Marco Buracchi: uses the pick of destiny to scale the summit!

Daniel Realpe: Compulsive new CD available

Kermheat: Whammy Nova

Sam Bell: Mask Of Judas get a YouTube