
Misha Mansoor, Adam Nolly Getgood: PERIPHERY - Juggernaut: Alpha/Omega - the interview

Nicolas Waldo, Michel Falcão: Bach - Sonata No.1 in Gm (Presto)

Sam Coulson: ASIA live at BB Kings - Sole Survivor, Wildest Dreams

David Gilmour: Wish You Were Here - with Bombay Bicycle Club

Steven Wilson, Guthrie Govan: Hand. Cannot. Erase

Courtney Cox, Nikki Stringfield: The Iron Maidens head to NAMM, Europe and Japan in early 2015

Joe Bonamassa: Rock Candy Funk Party - Baked Potato

Rusty Cooley, Jacky Vincent: Falling in Reverse Sessions

Jake E Lee: Red Dragon Cartel - Dayton Multicam 2014

Vinnie Moore: shows of his Dean prototype Mind's Eye guitar.

Jeremy Krull: from the deepest reaches of the universe... 2015

Keven Eknes: review of the year 2014

NAMM: flying guitars in the USA - good news for you!

Damjan Pejcinoski: Happy new year 2015 - Ouch this snow is hard!

Tom Geldschläger: Fountainhead - Home EP

James Norbert Ivanyi: The Matter Circumvention - second solo instrumental album available for pre order

Brian Carroll: Buckethead Pike 100 and 101 - a couple more before 2015

Panivan Yuriy: GateKeeper - Original instrumental metal song

Per Nilsson: announces a new solo project

Joe Chawki: Quietus - 2015 the year Joe Schmo becomes JMan - guitar for all seasons

Tony MacAlpine, Nili Brosh: The Tony MacAlpine band perform "Concrete Gardens" live on EMGtv

Josafat Song, Samuel Song, Abraham Song: My Little Bee - Three Song - just amazing!!

Aaron Marshall: Intervals - Siren Sound - official promo video

Morgan Pettersson: Poinsettia Collaboration - original play through