
Rebecca Scammon: .strandberg* Boden 8 - demoing the ergonomic design brutal glory

Samuli Federley: Silhouette of Death (riffs)

Greg Koch: Outtakes Vol. 1 and teaser for 2

Rob Garland: My Journey To Hell! Hell Guitars Super Blacks Picks Plectrum Review

Lyle Watt: Low Winter Sun - great live performance of title track from the EP

Jen Majura: plays... Mattias IA Eklundh's "Big Machine"

Joe Bonamassa: Jäger Bomb? - guitar interactive interview

Niko Tsonev: Lifesigns - "Live Under The Bridge" 2015 - Official DVD Trailer

Bugra Sisman: Until Now - teaser for upcoming album

Darius Wave: Seymour Duncan StagMag - neck position demo + coil split