
Igor Paspalj: Hangover Blues - awesome Fractal Audio Axe Fx II.

Samuli Federley: An ambient improvisation

Simone Mularoni: DGM - The Passage EPK

Rick Graham: Improv with the USA Strat

Jon Gomm: Interview and Performance - Wukan Motorcycle Kid

Lari Basílio: The Same Forever - Suhr is heaven

Damian Salazar: Arpeggios virtuoso street guitar player in Buenos Aires Argentina

Scott Mishoe: Demonstrating New And Cool Tapping Licks

Rob Garland: Guitar Lesson Using The Melodic Minor Scale Lydian Dominant

Guthrie Govan: Odd Time Licks: Vol.4 11/8

Kim Se-Hwang: Boss ME-80, The Technicians and Love Story

Stuart Hamm: All-Star Trio Also Features Korean Sensation - Kim Sehwang on Guitar and Jeff Bowders on Drums

Yngwie Malmsteen: World on Fire available for pre order in Japan