
Kiko Loureiro: Remembering my Old Days

Yujin Park: Great jazz performance for 2020 Dongduk Women's University

Jung Na-young: ripping some killer blues licks

John McLaughlin: a tribute to musicians all around the world

Li-sa-X: Gruvgear Rhode Island Shred NAMM 2016

Yoshinori Seki: R.I.P.⑱Allan Holdsworth / Above And Below (Cover)

Anup Sastry, Jason Kui: The Creater/The Destroyer

Junhak Lee: 이준학 Couch Potato - PRS CE24 Semi Hollow Demo

Tony MacAlpine: Live @ Penn's Peak (Jim Thope, PA) 2020

Tony MacAlpine, Ron Thal: Sons of Apollo (feat. Tony MacAlpine) - "Burn"

Jack Gardiner: Smooooth Neo-Soul Solo (I VI IV V backing)

Josh Meader: PARALLELS 1 and 2 + W.M.A.D

Abim Finger: Martin Miller - An End itself - little guy shreds his heart out.

Ando San: Flying Lotus - Dance Of The Pseudo Nymph (Prog Hop Remix)

Heavy Mellow: ACID R&B: Trips

Melanie Faye, Heavy Mellow: Acid R&B Trip 23

Ola Englund: RIG OF THE WEEK - Caparison Courtney Cox & Revv G20

Roman Bulakhov: Hustle and Bustle Song - shipwreck camera work and awesome soloing

Javier Reyes: TD Signature Series JR-208 Demo

Andy Wood: The Woodshed ep4. Sound like Derek Trucks and Duane Allman without a slide!!

Allan Marcus: Leap Year Baby - center section

Mamoru Goriku: ESP Guitars: 2020 Esp Exhibition Limited Ex20-07 Mystique-Ctm Nt