Stéphan Forté: I need your support to make the creepiest guitar music video ever !!! on July 25, 2014 Stéphan Forté +
Stéphan Forté, Jason Becker: Playing some music for my friend Jason Becker on March 06, 2014 Stéphan Forté +
Stéphan Forté,Paul Wardingham: added to Forté's upcoming Enigma Opera Black album on February 15, 2014 Paul Wardingham Stéphan Forté +
Stéphan Forté: Ibanez RG Premium in the capable hands of Adagio lead axe man on January 07, 2014 Stéphan Forté +
Jason Becker: The JB Fest interviews from Loud Guitars on December 27, 2013 Andy James Atma Anur Daniele Gottardo Franck Hermanny Guthrie Govan Kiko Loureiro Marcel Coenen Marco Sfogli Mattias IA Eklundh Michael Lee Firkins Stéphan Forté Timo Somers +
Stéphan Forté: participate in a great cause, help kids with liver disease? on December 16, 2013 Stéphan Forté +
Stéphan Forté: thanks Michel LÂG for the time working with his guitar company on September 13, 2013 Stéphan Forté +
Stéphan Forté: special Shadows Compendium CD + t-shirt bundle available on September 05, 2013 Stéphan Forté +