
Orianthi: before Alice Cooper show... only women bleed?

Sean Duhaime: SSS trio - great jazz fusion

News: A Christmas present for those beginning the journey

David Valdes: After My left hand injury...

News: Rotosound Launch Guitar Tuner And Chord Finder

James Bell: Decembers Young Gun

Frank Caruso,Stefano Xotta,Gianni Rojatti: Strings 24 - Speak, packed full of top players!

Niels Vejlyt: Sthenic With DVD

News: Kickstarter ipad guitar

Nicolas Notarianni: Guitar Snake

Nicolas Waldo: Happy Christmas - an album free for you

News: Lick Library Advent Calendar of special offers

Patrick Hemer: More Than Meets The Eye -new CD

Jude Gold: Funkytown

Charly Sahona: off to guitar idol final!

News: 5 crazy interpretations of metal classics!

Vuk Mirasevic: Slow Jazz

Ronny Gutierrez:Funky Fusion Jam Improvisation

Víctor Santiago: "Esencia Supolatina" - 2011 Ibanez Project

Fred Brum: My album Atonement is now available!!

Jennifer Batten: Guitar Two Handed Player for December

Gustavo Bonfá: Ballerina and Cause We've Ended As Lovers