
Rob Chappers: in guitar heaven!

Joop Wolters: lydian flight

Mario Parga: custom siggery guitar in the making

Lyle Watt: pays tribute to buby guerra

Kostas Karamitroudis: gus g firewind's istanbul

Guthrie Govan: suhr clinic

David T Chastain: new southern gentleman cd available for pre order

Gus Drax: looking for new band members

Lori Linstruth: guilt machine good to go... just need to sign a few things...

George Lynch: new cd sound samples posted.

News: strat-o-blogster reaches the 3 year milestone!

News: top 10 instrumental cds contains 4 truth in shredding guitar stars.

Steve Lukather: blues in the caneries

Fran Alonso: shred this, ala las palmas!

George Lynch: live dates updated

Chris Feener: tribute to megadeth

Russ Parrish: steel panther loud park appearance

Thomas Youngblood: kamelot tour dates

Rob Chappers: lag arkane

Doug Steele: keep you pick hard!

Greg Howe: tribute to michael jackson!

Muris Varajic: sings!

Guthrie Govan, Nili Brosh, Jon Finn: photos

John Petrucci: old boss demo