Roy Marchbank: incredible live stream with a master guitar player

Thanks to all who tuned in tonight for my first livestream. A great gathering of guitarists, so well attended! You're all very welcome back to join me for a livestream every fortnight on a Sunday evening at the later regular time of 9pm. I'll be keeping the time to no more than an hour but we'll get plenty playing and musical discussion packed into that!

As some of you asked, I am not taking on any more students right now but I'll review the situation in March. If you email me I will add you to the waiting list - till then you can pick my brain a bit on the livestreams! If you're looking for a custom made Phat Bhoy pick, there are several materials and sizes to choose from now, contact me via my website form in this link below.

In the next livestream from The Bat Cave, I'll probably focus on some alternate picking and let you have a closer look at the Phat Bhoy picks. Till then take care of yourselves and Slainte!
