Taku Yabuki, Allen Hinds: Modern World Symphony No​.​2

Incoming Modern World Symphony No. 2
by Taku Yabuki
A must-listen masterpiece for instrumental fans, finally completed. Boldly appointed by Allen Hinds (Guitar) and Robert Bubby Lewis (Bass), the sound that perfectly combines various elements of jazz, fusion, pop and rock is different from Japanese fusion and rock instrumental. And sometimes it sounds calm, sometimes violent, and beautifully.

CD https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E7%9F%A2%E5%90%B9%E5%8D%93/dp/B010D9I3MY
Modern World Symphony No.2
Modern World Symphony No.2
インストゥルメンタルファン必聴の大作、遂に完成。 Allen Hinds(Guitar)、Robert Bubby Lewis(Bass)を大胆に起用し、ジャズ、フュージョン、ポップス、ロックの様々 な要素を見事に融合したサウンドは、日本のフュージョンやロック... This can't be combined with what you've already added to your post.
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