Paolo Castillo: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III Lagnua from the Philippines!!!

Paolo Castillo fires up the orange Laguna for his solo... yet another fluid fusion solo.

Paolo Castillo:
Bryan Aspey gave me some tips, so now I made a solo that sounds different from my usual stuff (I think!). Since Bryan likes kon-tiki, I put in Crash Bandicoot in the video, cause you know Akuaku is the mask and.. yeah okay. Anyway, last minute entry, I don't expect to win. I just really like the backing! Hope you like it!

Paolo Castillo - Shred This Three

6 days left to get that solo in... Sunday UK time!

Shred This III: Brett Garsed and DiMarzio competition ends 23:00 (GMT) Sunday, August 15th
