Ciro Manna, Andrea Braido, Marco Sfogli, Matteo Mancuso, Carlo Fimiani: #IoRestoaCasaGuitarJam # 1 + # 2

#IoRestoACasaGuitarJam # 2 Here is the second episode of the Jam made at home during this 'Corona-virus' quarantine period! The idea is simply to share some music and they did it with super colleagues: Andrea Braido, Cesareo, Ruggero Brunetti, Chicco Gussoni, Carlo Fimiani, Luca Galeano, Tony De Gruttola, Simone Gianlorenzi and the winner of the Guitar challenge Davide Ciura! I hope you like it, if so, share it on your social networks! thank you ! Long live the music!
#IoRestoaCasaGuitarJam# 2
#IoRestoACasaGuitarJam # 1 Here is the first Jam made at home during this 'Corona-virus' quarantine period! The idea is simply to share some music and they did it with super colleagues: Luca Colombo, Massimo Varini, Marco Sfogli, Matteo Mancuso, Giuseppe Scarpato, Christian Mascetta, Osvaldo Lo Iacono and Riccardo Bertuzzi! I hope you like it, if so, share it on your social networks! thank you ! Long live the music!
RestoACasaGuitarJam #1 Ciro Manna ,Luca Colombo,Massimo Varini , Marco Sfogli ,Matteo Mancuso....
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