Top Ten: the girls of Canon Rock

I guess it's not really a top 10 as there are 18 videos in this collection. I am not sure why girls are particulalry attracted to re-enacting this piece of YouTube history. Is it the classical nature being subverted by rock?! Some have view counts that you can only dream of, some the playing is less than stella...

Girls of Canon Rock

This is the original by Jerry C which has a mind boggling view count of 82,507,261 views!  I must admit that I don't actually like this version. It was a superb piece of classical music that didn't really need rocking up... hey  I said it, don't hate me for it!  These are the stats from the video.

Total Views: 82,507,261

Ratings: 598720

Likes: 573256
Dislikes: 25464

Comments: 359,042

Favourites: 490,895
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#22 - Most Discussed (All Time)) - Global
#9 - Most Discussed (All Time)) - Music - Global
#43 - Most Viewed (All Time)) - Global
#25 - Most Viewed (All Time)) - Music - Global
#9 - Top Favourited (All Time)) - Global
#3 - Top Favourited (All Time)) - Music - Global
#2 - Top Rated (All Time)) - Global
#1 - Top Rated (All Time)) - Music - Global

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