Kermheat: time for a little piano at the musikmesse

Clever idea... very few seats in Musikmesse, Gibson kindly provided a large padded guitar to sit on... or for the more talented a piano stool, I took the former option while Kermheat took the later.

Kermheat plays piano at Musikmess 2010 for Gibson !!!!

As we wondered around the Musikmesse, which is massive by the way, I began to spot a number of players who have featured heavily on the TIS blog. After many miles of walking, I was particularly happy to catch up with the pony tapping maestro, Kermheat, at the Musikmesse... what a nice guy! We had a brief chat and I bumped into him on a number of occassions... I just hope I can get hold of the Kermheat / Kerry King photos too!

Looking for Kermeats CD?

or the very cool DVD that I have in my hands:
