Chris Bieniek: Taurus Stomp-Head 4.SL Demo

Ok I'm most likely not going to win an oscar for my acting performance but I think the amp sounds great. The guys at Taurus sent me this wonderful amp and I must say I was blown away by the quality in tone coming from a unit so small. It is not a stomp box despite it's appearance. It's a compact amp head with tubes that could fit on your pedal board.

I recorded this through a 1 X 12 Supro speaker cab using a SM57 and a Senheiser 421 through protools. I also mixed in 5% of the camera audio for a little of the rooms ambience. The Strat features the awesome EverTune bridge and Seymour Duncan JB in the bridge.

Taurus Stomp-Head 4.SL Demo by Chris Bieniek
