Can you help save a species with a guitar solo? Yes of course!
You can purchase this solo for $9 U.S via PayPal and 100% of the funds collected will be donated to the Orangutan Foundation International '. Just send $9 U.S to chrisbieniek.guitar@gmail.com and you will receive a PDF with music notation, Tab, picking strokes, backing track, audio etc. In the 'message to seller' section just mark the words 'Oranguatan' so I know which solo to send.
You will receive this within 24 hours (I'll work on an automated download when time permits)
If you don't want this solo but would like to donate, go to: orangutan.org (Which is the Orangutan Official Website)
Both orangutan species are considered to be Endangered, with the Sumatran orangutan being Critically Endangered. Human activities have caused severe declines in the populations and ranges of both species. Threats to wild orangutan populations include poaching, habitat destruction, and the illegal pet trade. Several conservation and rehabilitation organisations are dedicated to the survival of orangutans in the wild. I was lucky enough so see Orangutan's in Borneo a few years back so hopefully they will be around for future generations to appreciate.
The solo: A Blues Rock vibe with an up tempo 'Cold Sweat' feel . Technically theres a focus on Alternate and Economy/Sweep Picking lines.
I have found learning full solos rather then a 'bunch of licks' to be more beneficial in developing my own solo and improvised playing. Playing up and down scales is great practice for playing up and down scales but doesn't improve improvising/ soloing technique. Learning entire solos is a great way to develop your own playing and understanding of how to use scales, rhythm, phrasing etc.
Putting patterns, phrases and lines into context is the key.
This solo was recorded through the amazing Taurus 4.SL Stomp Head. Check out www.taurus-amp.pl for more info. Awesome amps! Try one!
Guitar Solo for Charity 4# The Orangutan (Tab/notation available)
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