Chris Brooks: How to Measure success

 How to Measure success
If you’re out there plugging away at your music career, you already know that it’s hard, extremely time consuming, and exhaustive work trying to steer the attention of the distracted and time-starved folks out there towards whatever it is you do.
So how do you rate your success? What unit of measurement do you consult to judge how things are going? Is it the number of Facebook friends you have, or the number of Youtube subscribers, or how many hits your shred video has had? What about the number of people on your mailing list, or how many people read the thread you started at xyz gear forum?

Plus the Things I want For Every Guitar Player  
I want you to start on a crappy guitar, but be so happy you have one that you don’t realise for a couple of years.
I want your first band to suck, but that you won’t know it at first because you’re having too much fun.
I want you to be frustrated with your progress, but get regular breakthroughs that keep you motivated.
I want you to fail a few auditions horribly, and learn from each one.
I want you to struggle to find decent band members, or venues that will give you a shot.
I want you to make mistakes in front of a live audience that make you want to practise the second you get home.
