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Doug Doppler, Stuart Hamm, Atma Anur: DHA project mentioned in Ibanez interview
Ibanez: When did you begin studying with Joe Satriani, and how did that come about?
Doug: I started studying with Joe in my junior year of high school. I was going to Berkeley High at that time, and everybody was studying with him, so I figured I'd "check him out." I left a message saying I was interested in lessons and he called me back in a day or so. Our first conversation was really cool. We talked about our mutual likes and dislikes and he added me to his waiting list. About a month or so later, he gave me a call and I went in for my first lesson.
Ibanez: What did you gain from your studies with him?
Doug: First of all, as you might imagine, Joe was an extremely demanding teacher - just look at the students he's produced. When I first started studying with him, Joe was only 24, and for the most part was every bit as good as he is now. That's not to say that he hasn't developed or improved, but really, he's always been great. In taking weekly hour-long lessons with him, I benefited from his wealth of knowledge and musical expertise as he trained my hands, ears and mind. He was a truly brilliant teacher and it was a total inspiration to study with him. I still have all my lesson plans, including the ones from the lessons where I had not practiced enough beforehand¡¦and the lesson plans reflect his thoughts about that!
Ibanez: Tell us about your Nu Instrumetal album.
Doug: This disc is an outgrowth of a project I did with Stu Hamm and Atma Anur called DHA (Doppler Hamm Anur). The track "Five Hi" is actually from the DHA sessions more
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