Bruno Palma,Denis Rodrigues,Ferreira Gilney,Parson Ozéias: Brazilian Guitar Jam

Guitar Jam with Denis Rodrigues Ferreira Gilney Parson Ozéias Bruno Palma

Participants acknowledge the support of the Santo Angelo! Channel Denis Ferreira - Denis Ferreira Facebook - / DenisFerreiraPage Channel Gilney Parson - Facebook Gilney Parson - Channel Ozéias Rodrigues -https://www. / user / ozeiasguitar Facebook Ozéias Rodrigues - Channel Bruno Palma - Facebook Bruno Palma - http://www Channel you find this stuff on guitar as: video lessons, songs propiás, unboxings, study tips and more soon. In this channel you can find content on the guitar: video lessons, original songs , unboxings, study tips and more soon.

Guitar Jam - Denis Ferreira, Gilney Parson, Ozeias Rodrigues e Bruno Palma


  1. Thanks a lot for this Post Mr Laurie Monk
    cheers from Brazilian Guitarplayers

    Bruno Palma


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