**LISTEN WITH HEADPHONES** After seeing Lionel Loueke play with Herbie Hancock, I just had to check the guy out... I saw him playing with a piece of paper over the strings of a nylon string guitar to produce a really unique sound. He used it to emulate an African instrument, so I tried something similar on my Boden 8. If you look at the bridge you'll notice that I stuffed a tissue under the strings. This created a very unique sound, so I used it for this piece that I wrote recently. The piece itself got its original inspiration from the graphic novel "Y The Last Man". 355 was my favourite character from that series, so this is dedicated to her. In case anyone is wondering, the signal chain is: Boden 8 - some sort of Fender practice amp that is at the music studio where I teach.
Strandberg Boden 8 string - muted - guitar solo piece "355" Brian Raine Original
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